Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A messy face.

Day 3

Today I wanted my face to look like a glam-rock-star.

Glam rock
is a style of rock and pop music merged together which developed in the UK in the early 1970s. Singers and musicians had an extravagantly ornate style and wore outrageous clothes, makeup and hairstyles, platform-soled boots and glitter which reflected arrogance, elegance and verbosity. It emerged out of the English psychedelic and art rock scenes of the 1960s and later contributed to narcissism, nihilism and largely to gender confusion. The gender confusion was largely due to the fact that the glam rock men would wear pink lipstick and eyeshadow or paint their faces mime-like which denotes back to the European mime/theater era of the 14th century. Men were the only ones to act and therefore played the roles of females as well.

Everyone I moved past today, noticed my distraught mime-looking face today and generally gave me a brief frightened look. People at uni immediately recognized that I was a member of the Kiss band. This afternoon I went to spec savers to have my eyes tested as I need new lenses for my glasses. While I was sitting on the waiting bench next to the glass window, shoppers would look at me and smile, walk on, turn back their heads and smile at me again while I would return the gesture. They were probably so smiley with me as I sat INSIDE a shop with my glasses on which made me look like a crazy girl with wacky makeup on. One guy walked past, caught my eye, stopped and with a huge smile, bending his knees gave me two thumbs up. One of the shopkeepers told me that he is a regular at the shopping center and isn't quite there (lost his marbles) and sometimes talks to himself. I found it funny that he gave me such a positive, 'you rock' reaction. walking to my parents house was also interesting afterwards as I bumbed into people from my school who are five years younger than me. They all looked at me as if I was crazy. I suppose glam-rockers or mimes are kind of crazy or alternative.

Above:David Bowie 1970s
Below: Kiss


Google Books, Hebdige, D, Subculture, the meaning of style, 1979, Retrieved October 6, 2010 from

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